Log search and QSL info

All logs and contacts should be current and able to be searched below. If you believe we made contact but you are not in my log, please drop me a note at my call sign @ arrl.net

I always enjoy receiving QSL cards and am happy to reply. If you take the time to send me a card, I will always send one back to you. Return postage not required. Bureau cards will be replied by the same method. When working from home, I upload in real time to LOTW, QRZ, and Clublog. I also upload to eQSL a few times each year. When working portable, I usually upload my contacts within a day or so of returning home.

If you are expecting a confirmation from me and it doesn’t arrive in a reasonable amount of time, feel free to contact me and I’ll look into it.

My current QSL card:

Previous QSL card: