My primary HF rig is a Flex 6400 driving a Mercury LUX amp into a DX Commander Classic. Antenna B on the 6400 is an endfed inverted L. My secondary setup is an IC7300 that can be switched onto either antenna. I also have a Hermes Lite 2 paired with a fan dipole at about 25 feet. All of these setups are subject to change because I am constantly putting up different antennas for experiments on various bands.
My mobile rig is an FT891 with an ATAS screwdriver antenna but I also take my 7300 for many of my POTA activations. For QRP, I have a Mountain topper MTR4b and a QDX as well as a QMX from QRP Labs.
For VHF/UHF, I use an FTM400 as my base radio and I have an Anysecu wp-9900 for mobile use. Like almost every ham, I have too many handhelds but seem to use my FT5DR most when I reach for an HT.
For portable antennas, I use a linked dipole on a Sotabeams portable mast quite a bit as well as a BuddiStick vertical. I also have good success with Hamsticks on a mag mount using my vehicle as a ground plane. When space allows, I have an endfed that I put up in an inverted L or V as well as a few homebrew QRP antennas I like to try just to play around with and see what works.